Human Design IRL: Jessie of Emblem Living

Human Design IRL: Jessie of Emblem Living

Jessie + Emblem Living.jpg

Human Design has continued to be the most helpful tool I’ve come across when it comes to stepping more fully into my authentic self and learning which paths are the most aligned for me to take. I could share personal examples all day long as to how it’s changed my life. Which is kind of what this blog and our IG has been so far.

But I’d love to start incorporating more real life examples of how Human Design is incorporated into others’ stories, especially when it comes to following their hearts to the things they love and were designed to do. So, welcome to this little series!

For the first installment of Human Design IRL, I interviewed my bestie - and actually co-founder of Hi*Def who is currently focused on other things - Jessie Artigue! In true Manifesting Generator fashion, Jessie has worn many hats throughout her life including blogger, podcast host, on-air personality, clothing designer, entrepreneur, tequila connoisseur, website designer, and most recently, vintage curator at Emblem Living! One of my favorite things is watching Jess bloom in every area she sets out in, and she has forever been an inspiration to me. Her latest venture of finding, repurposing, and selling vintage items has been one of my favorites to watch because it feels true to every sense of who she is.

I wanted to take the chance to hear her story behind launching it, how Human Design might have played a role in any of it, and celebrate this current chapter alongside her. So with that, here’s my interview with Jess (known as Smush to me) and her story behind launching Emblem Living.

Jessie’s Design:

Type: Manifesting Generator
Authority: Sacral
Profile: 5/1

Sara: Congrats on launching your newest venture and heart project Emblem Living! Tell us a little bit about what Emblem Living is and what inspired you to start it?

Jessie: Emblem Living is my attempt at breathing new life into an old hobby! I’ve been collecting vintage for decades (and reselling it for about 15 years) and this latest iteration is a way to finally make it feel more “official.” I was inspired to take action after learning more about my HD type and reading a great book called The Big Leap – essentially combining my MG energy with my “zone of genius” (a key element from the book) and then unapologetically following what lights me up. 

S: What other things do you do for “work” currently and how would you say your different projects connect to one another or represent who you are?

J: After shelving two major professional projects in 2020 (an apparel company and a podcast), I’ve taken a notable break from my life as a creative entrepreneur. When I think about my experience and how everything connects, it’s clear that I’m happiest finding ways to use my core strengths: ideation, curation, strategy + storytelling. 

S: I had the privilege of doing a Human Design reading with you several months ago. What were your initial reactions to learning about your Type?

J: There were so many takeaways from that session (and I’m always referring back to the helpful PDF!) but the first thing that comes to mind is how it released me from trying to fit myself into a professional box. I’ve always felt so “all over the place” when it comes to explaining what I do, but when you told me that this was normal for an MG, everything finally clicked! 

S: Did knowing your Human Design have any impact on your decision to pursue this avenue or any of the other projects you decide to take on?

J: Yes! As someone who loves organization and strategy, I would likely not have let myself launch Emblem at all. :( I’m pretty sure I would have felt like it was too unrelated to my existing brand, and I would have resisted the chance to begin something new without a clear linear plan in place. 

S: How do you notice any other ways you approach life differently given your Human Design knowledge?

J: It has certainly impacted my decision making process! Especially when it comes to social invitations, I allow myself to check in before committing to something and have gotten so much better about honoring the “yes” or “no” that comes as a response. I have also loved learning more about my 5/1 lines lately and this has already made me look at some of my closest relationships in a new way.

S: Any advice for people wanting to follow their passions but who aren’t ready to completely jump ship on their job yet? How do you recommend making time for the things you love to do without feeling completely overwhelmed by it all?

J: Turn your passion or hobby into a side hustle! I don’t think that everyone is meant to find fulfillment from their job at every stage of their life. It’s ok to let it come from elsewhere while you sort out your upcoming career details. If you’re craving something new or inspiring, you can let that longing be what clears a path to make it happen. 

Want to keep following along on her shiny, MG journey? Find Jess over on her website and personal IG, and then check out her beautiful vintage pieces and sales on Emblem Living here.

And if you have a Human Design IRL story you want to share, email me at!

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