Creating Your Own Core Beliefs

Creating Your Own Core Beliefs


As autonomous, sovereign beings, we have the ability to shape and control our realities and our experience of this life on earth. While I believe we may not always have a choice over the things that happen to us, and of course everyone is not fairly dealt the same hand of cards in life, we still have the ability to choose how we react to those things, and the thoughts we have about them, which ultimately influences our feelings and our experience. It’s a pretty magical and life-altering concept when you fully grasp this. And it has personally changed the course of my life and daily existence by leaps and bounds. 

But before you get to the mindset and thought work part of life, there’s something that needs to exist first - a foundation that everything else can be built on. That foundation is the core beliefs you hold. The truths that give reason to why you’re here, what you believe is true about yourself, others, and this life as you know it. Everything you do operates out of these beliefs, typically on a very subconscious level. Which is why it’s paramount to pause and check in often to determine what beliefs, big or small, you’ve allowed to define you, and how they’re affecting you for better or worse.

Our beliefs are typically hardwired into us over years of them being engrained and reinforced in our beings, which means that re-programming them takes more than just changing our thoughts about them. Often this will look like doing deeper subconscious work such as hypnosis, EMDR, energy work, therapy, etc. But when you can identify the harmful beliefs you’re operating from, work to de-program those, and intentionally choose the beliefs you want to define you, amazing things will happen. If you’ve never gone through an intentional exercise like this before, a good place to start is seeing if you can determine, judgement-free, the beliefs shaping your reality, then eventually moving to a place where you can consciously choose and create each of the positive and helpful beliefs you want to define your life.

Some examples of unhelpful, limiting beliefs I used to (unknowingly) subscribe to that held me back in multiple areas:

  • Being married is better than being single

  • It’s just a fantasy that it’s possible to make lots of money doing the things you love

  • Success only comes from hard [unenjoyable] work 

A good way to identify limiting beliefs you might have is by looking at any area of your life you feel dissatisfied in, or find yourself wishing was different. Start to ask questions and get to the bottom of why you feel the way you do, and where those feelings or thoughts originated from. See if you can challenge that belief with evidence from your own life as to how it’s not true. Or if you can’t do that yet, then look around you for expanders, or people who are embodying the kind of life you want to live in any given area, and use their truths as yours for now. Then you can determine what you want to be true about your life instead.

And then a really fun exercise is to write out what you want to be true about your life, in every area. Think about it like writing a personal mission statement for yourself. Imagine the best, boldest, most exciting and beautiful life possible, and then write down the beliefs it would take for that life to happen. How do you want to handle adversity? Feel in relationships? Feel by yourself? Approach work? Money? Dream up your wildest life, and then know all it takes is believing that life is possible. 

If you need some inspiration to get started, here are some of the beliefs I’ve formed and chosen for my life over the years that help ensure every day and experience I encounter are filled with joy, purpose, and ease:

  • I chose to incarnate into this body, at this time, and with the gifts I have to uniquely live out my purpose and to evolve my soul in the most powerful way possible while I’m here

  • I’m here on purpose and with a purpose

  • I am free to enjoy this life

  • I am made from pure love and it’s my birthright to embody this and shine it out to others

  • I am always connected to Divine wisdom and can access this at any time I’d like

  • I am worthy just by existing

  • I am worthy of good things happening to me

  • The desires I have are good and lead me to what’s right for me

  • I create the reality I want to live in

  • Everything is figureoutable

  • I am beautiful

  • I create my own happiness and no one else is responsible for it besides me

  • Living my fullest, most true life is the best offering I can give to those around me

  • I am responsible for creating heaven on earth

  • I am here to leave people and places more beautiful than I found them

  • Life is meant to be fun

  • I can let life be easy if I’d like

  • Abundance flows from a place of appreciation and enjoyment

  • I can do the work I love and get abundantly paid for it

  • I can have everything my heart desires

I could go all day with this, but those are the big ones, and if you take the time to write out some of your desired core beliefs, tag me on Instagram at @hi.def.humans because I’d love to see them :)

So honored and excited to be creating and living out our dream realities alongside one another as we collectively raise the consciousness, joy, and abundance on this planet together. 

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