Abundance Hack for Bringing in Quick Money

Abundance Hack for Bringing in Quick Money

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By Sara Bacon

Sometimes it can feel like the needle is just not moving when it comes to bringing in extra income or seeing the numbers go up in your bank account. One of the beliefs I used to hold subconsciously was that I would need to trade hours for dollars in order to make anything. That income came from working more hours or climbing the corporate ladder and that’s about it. Which, if you’re already at a full-time job or maxed out on your hours or in a position you can’t move up from, can feel disheartening since it seems like there’s nowhere to go from there.

A few years ago I started distinctly hearing in my soul that I could live a life beyond my wildest dreams, doing what I love, and getting paid well to do it. I intuitively felt like it was possible to reject the lie that success had to come from hard work and hustle, and that it was possible to not only survive, but thrive while living a life that felt easy, aligned, and most importantly: enjoyable. And with that came the desire to bring other people on board with this belief too, collectively rising together and creating a world where people can shine doing exactly what they were born to do.

Of course, flipping that belief didn’t come with an overnight lifestyle change for me, but it has caused me to be intentional about creating that kind of life for myself with every step forward.

One of these steps was enrolling in Kathrin Zenkina’s (aka Manifestation Babe) Rich Babe Academy which focuses on abundance-building and manifestation mindsets. And one of the exercises in this course has continued to be so helpful for me so I wanted to share it here with you. (I’ve actually done a similar exercise in some other financial courses as well). The goal of the exercise was to show that abundance is all around us, and that there are so many different places money or opportunities can flow to us from in any given moment. Here is what we had to do:

Write a list of every possible place you could make money in this exact moment. Or, if you had to come up with $100 right now, how would you do it? 

The way I’ve adapted this in my own way was by also listing out every person that could be a good connection for me to reach out to, a part-time job I could temporarily pick up, or something I could sell right now. The idea is that once you start putting everything down on paper, you begin to rewire your brain around the incorrect belief that money has to only come from limited or predictable places. It also helps unlock creativity around ways you can make money or new jobs you could try out, and it puts you in touch with your inner voice since you’re doing this from a place of concentrated flow. So you never know what ideas will come out! (It was doing this exercise that led me to the current part-time job I have that checked so many of my boxes and has been able to support my life while I build Hi*Def out! All from someone’s name I wrote down on that list and ended up reaching out to).

So, now for how to practically go about it: Grab a pen and paper, and set a timer on your phone for 15 min. Put away all distractions and let yourself write out EVERYTHING that comes to mind. No bad ideas. Here are some prompts to get you thinking:

  • What’s something I could sell online in the next week? A bridesmaid dress, an old piece of tech like a camera or computer or phone, a piece of furniture, something that’s been sitting in my garage or storage forever, a few pieces of clothes I never wear anymore that are in good condition, shoes, something taking up space or that’s not my style, some books?

  • What’s a service I could offer to others temporarily? Cooking for someone, cleaning, gardening, house-sitting, dog-walking, running errands, doing a gig economy job like Lyft, DoorDash, InstaCart?

  • Is there a part-time job I wouldn’t mind picking up on the side to bring in some extra cash? i.e. being a babysitter, a tutor, working at a coffee shop, a restaurant, a boutique I love?

  • Who are people I know that are well-connected or in fields I want to be in that I could reach out to asking if they know of available opportunities for me? Or someone I would love to work for?

  • Is there something I could create and sell in the next month? Apparel, jewelry, an ebook explaining something that comes super easily to me, art, a mini course, baked goods…?

  • Are there any outstanding payments I need to collect? Money sitting in a Venmo or PayPal account I can transfer to my bank? Affiliate accounts I have? Stocks I could sell? Coins I could cash in?

  • If I run my own business and sell a service or a product, what’s something I could proactively do to sell just one more item? Share about it on social media, send an email, offer a discount, DM people with offers, write a post about it?

  • Check pockets for cash, purses + wallets for forgotten gift cards.

  • At my current job is there a way to increase my income? Such as by working overtime, referring a new employee, working towards a commission, asking for a raise?

  • Can I lower any of my current bills by switching plans or asking for a discount? Such as inquiring about low mileage rates for car insurance, switching to a family plan for a cell phone, finding a new health insurance plan, removing fees from checking accounts, finding one unnecessary subscription in my monthly bills to remove.

Ok phew, I hope some of those ideas get your brain moving a bit! The goal is to prove to yourself that abundance is all around you, and to also move around energy in a way that causes you to feel just a little less stuck or hopeless or in a state of lack. And the fun part is you never know what ends up coming from an exercise like this beyond just a quick hit of cash! In doing this you could find a new job, a new hobby, or even just some cleared up space in your home that you were lacking the motivation to create. 

Have fun with this and tag me on IG (@hi.def.humans) if you found a new way to make some dolla billz from this list!

Human Design IRL: Jessie of Emblem Living

Human Design IRL: Jessie of Emblem Living

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