Human Design Reading

Human Design Reading


A one-on-one reading with Sara will give you real-time insight into your specific design - highlighting how to best utilize your energy, how to make decisions that are most aligned with your Highest Self, which areas you’re more open to conditioning from others, and which personality traits and gifts you can draw from to create more flow, clarity, and purpose in your career, relationships, and everyday life.

You came here to shine. Human Design is a tool that amplifies your sparkle even more, and helps remind you who you came here to be.

Personal Reading includes:

  • Overview of your Design Type, Authority, and Strategy

  • Explanation of your Profile and how to practically apply this to your life

  • A look into your defined and open centers, key gates and channels, and cross of incarnation

  • Guidance on how to incorporate this knowledge into your life, next steps for engaging in a de-conditioning practice, and strategies for nurturing your unique gifts in the world

  • Room for questions and discussion around your specific chart

Session Prep:

You will need to provide me with your exact birth time and location, and I’ll handle the rest from there. Once you schedule your reading, I’ll send you a Zoom link for the video meeting.

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