Ways to Live Into Your Design Without Quitting Your Job

Ways to Live Into Your Design Without Quitting Your Job


By Sara Bacon

Learning about your Human Design and all the ways you’re meant to follow after the things that light you up, get rid of the “shoulds” and step more fully into your unique gifts and purpose sounds really great until you remember you have bills to pay and need to work to pay those bills, and it may not exactly be feasible to quit your job this instant and take up organic farming tomorrow as your new venture.

So many of the questions and hesitations I hear about Human Design center around the question, “ok but how do I start living my Design now...at my current job, right where I am?” And I think that’s such an important place to start, because while my heart and belief is for everyone to be able to pursue a life that feels whole and full and true to who they are, I know there are practical steps living in this 3D world we have to take to get there.

First of all, I do think it’s possible to make dramatic, drastic changes if that’s what your Inner Voice is telling you, and if you’ve come to that decision from using your Authority. Sometimes life does work and play out like that! But for many, there is a lot of conditioning, should’s, and what if’s to sort through before that’s possible. 

So for those feeling like you know there’s something more for you, and you’re wanting to step more fully into your life, or make a big change in your career, or just feel more joyful and aligned in your day-to-day; below are some practical tips for each Type to help ease you into the practice of embodying your true self, and to live more authentically into your Design, without making any drastic changes to your current life. The idea is that when you start taking these small steps, you strengthen your trust and intuitive muscles, and you begin to uncover the true desires you actually have. So start here, but be open to seeing where each of these steps take you ;) 


  • Find something for you to have full autonomy over in your life and nurture that project (with no input from anyone else)

  • Practice following one urge you have in a day or a week and announce you’re going to do it, rather than asking permission to do so

  • Find a project or group at work you can take the lead of. Something you feel compelled to start or initiate that lets you call the shots.

  • If you feel pulled in another direction than your current job, what’s one step you can take right now to start moving there?

(Manifesting) Generators

  • Find one task (either at work or at home) that you find yourself dreading the most and get this off your plate. Delegate, opt out, whatever you need to do.

  • Listen for one thing that sounds fun for you to do this week and plan out 30 min to devote to it

  • Without worrying about how it will make you money, start a side hobby or passion project doing something that lights you up

  • Say no to a social commitment you don’t actually feel like going to, replace it with something you’re super in the mood to do instead


  • If there’s a task or role at your current job you feel like you’d be a better fit for, ask if you can spend more time focusing on that

  • Carve out 30 min to an hour in your week to learn more about or nurture a skill you enjoy doing

  • Ask if continuing education is available to you at work to learn more about a topic that interests you

  • Spend time thinking about the things that come easiest to you in life, that others seek your advice for, and write down ways you could turn this into a job


  • If you’re not feeling great in your current working environment, see if you can find a different location to work from

  • Take note of any people or places you don’t feel your best around and see if you can spend less time in these areas

  • Find something out of your normal routine in your day or week you can try just for the fun of it

  • Go to a new coffee shop or restaurant you’ve never been to before

And if you’re still in a place where you’re not entirely what that “dream life” even looks like for you, I would recommend grabbing the “How to Deeply Enjoy Your Life Guide!” It’s a step-by-step process that helps you get to the core of your desires, and to start making a plan for how to turn those desires into a reality. And if you’re ready to go deeper, order your personalized and in-depth Human Design Guide, or a book a one-on-one Reading with me.

Cheers to your best life and to every delight-filled step you take along the way to get there.

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