How to Use Human Design to Help You in Business
Image via @moonandparis
We know that one of the greatest gifts of Human Design is reminding us of our uniqueness and the fact that not all advice is going to be right for us. And this applies to so many areas of life. So in the theme of business, here are just a few notes of insight, encouragement, and affirmation for each of the Types to use as they navigate their careers and the way they approach their work:
Trust that what you feel excited by is meant for you
If you feel pulled towards something, no amount of “over-saturation” in that market disqualifies you from going after it, the fact you feel excited by it is reason enough to keep going. Your unique design and individual voice is needed!
Create your schedule, business offerings, social media strategy, all of it, around what feels good and sounds exciting to you. Make it fun and don’t force things you’re not meant to spend your energy on
When you get to something you “have” to do but is not in alignment with your energy, see if you can outsource it to someone who DOES get lit up by that! (i.e. building a website or putting together an email marketing campaign)
Remember that it’s your job to follow what lights you up, and just like you need to trust your Sacral response to let it decide for you by responding to what’s in front of it, trust that the right people will be led to your work and will respond accordingly without you having to win anyone over or aggressively sell to them
Manifesting Generators:
Ditto to everything in the Generator list
Give yourself permission to hop around to different activities and tasks depending on what sounds best to you at the moment
Make sure you’re using up your energy on a task or engagement before switching to the next so you can complete what’s meant for you without abandoning ship too early
Invest in a coach that can help ground you and who you can bounce ideas off of for when it feels like you’re moving too quickly or feel all over the place
Add a Projector to your team or as a consultant so you can check your ideas and plans with them to see if there are ways you could be approaching them better or in new or different ways
Don’t worry about working at weird times of the day, if you’re in the mood to work and you have the energy to do it, then work! You want to use the most satisfying level of your energy when you have it to work with. Let go of the shoulds of a “standard” schedule
Even if you have a full time job, or other responsibilities that aren’t exciting for you, make sure you schedule time in your day for things that feel fun and like the best use of your energy. Doing this is expansive and creates more energy for yourself, and shows you what it’s like to spend your time doing things you love, so eventually you can spend more and more time doing those types of things every day
Plus spending your energy in satisfying ways keeps you from feeling antsy during the day or restless at night. The goal is to use up all your energy in a day and fall into bed exhausted at the end of it and the best way to do that is by spending your energy doing things you love!
Acknowledge and list out the things that come very easily to you, the things others praise you for, and that you find yourself gravitating towards in your down time
What are the ways you see the world through a different lens than others? What’s one thing you would fix or improve if given the chance?
Take these answers and see if there are ways you can turn them into a business offering or service
What are ways you could increase your knowledge or abilities around these skills? Maybe it’s pursuing continuing education, taking some courses, allowing time in your week to practice or indulge in them
Find ways to share your gifts and insights with those you trust. Share them with wider circles as well, such as through social media, or at your place of work. Acknowledge your gifts so others can be given the chance to acknowledge them as well
Be energetically open to invitations from others, and say yes to the things that excite you and that you feel confident in following through on
Remember you don’t have to say yes to everything, check in with your Authority on what feels right for you
Find spaces in your current job or in other areas of life where you can take full initiative and don’t need input or approval from anyone
Write down some ideas you’ve had lately that you’ve wanted to pursue. What would you do first if you didn’t care what anyone thought of it?
Trust that you’re a natural born leader and initiator. People are looking to you to put your ideas into motion so they can jump on board
Identify “safe” people for you to communicate your ideas and plans to, practicing what it feels like to inform others of your intentions without needing their feedback, advice, or direction
Don’t be afraid to be straightforward and to take up space energetically. You are not too much and you’re not meant to be corralled or micro-managed. If you find yourself regularly feeling powerless or small, question if you’re meant to exist in other spaces in life
Trust that the people who are meant to hop on board with your ideas, initiatives, or offerings will find you. All you have to focus on is moving in the direction of your intuitions and urges, and you don’t have to worry about selling or convincing people to be aligned with you. Think of yourself as the train conductor of whatever idea, business, plan, course, product, etc. that you feel called to pursue, and the people who are meant to resonate with it or respond to it will hop aboard naturally, just because you provided them with the option
Don’t worry too much about finding a specific role or “purpose” that you need to live out, you move through life in a different and more fluid way than most people
Find places and people that make you feel good. Pay attention to how you feel in each environment you find yourself in, and return to the ones that make you feel calm, excited, nourished, and challenged
When you notice yourself feeling off, drained, sick, agitated, etc., see if you can pinpoint what might be causing you to feel that way. Is there anything you could do to shift your experience in this place? Anything that could benefit from your reflections and insight?
On the contrary, make it your goal to stay in places that make you feel energized, healthy, excited, inspired, safe, and calm. This is where you’ll thrive and where you’ll find the environments and people who are right for you
What industries, roles, places, or people could benefit from your gifts of reflection and mirroring? Where can you offer your gifts of openness to others?
Make sure you’re protecting your energy and have boundaries in place to nurture your open centers. Give yourself time and space to disconnect when you need it, and to let yourself reset at the end of the day to be able to move freely and openly into the next day