Hi Def Books That Will Shift Your Perspective on What's Possible For Your Life
Books have been some of my biggest gateways into up-leveling my life and helping me realize what was possible for my experience here on Earth. While there are so many amazing, life-changing books out there, if I had to narrow down the books that had the greatest impact on how I view the world, abundance, and my ability to create a life beyond my wildest dreams, these books would be at the top of that list.
I specifically chose to list books here that relate to themes around tapping into *your* source of inner wisdom, stripping away conditioning the world may have layered on you throughout your life, and creating a life that is in alignment with the highest expression of yourself.
I have many more recs on deck for other categories, but here are the places I would recommend starting if you want some written (or audio) encouragement to go after that life you desire.
One of the first books that introduced me to the concepts behind The Law of Attraction and also the power of our thoughts creating our realities. Jen was also one of my first expanders (people who show you what’s possible for your life) to help me see that I am able to create a life doing what I love while also getting abundantly paid for it. This book was my gateway into so much personal and spiritual expansion, and even if the tone is a bit hokey at times, I listened to the audio version of it 3 different times because each time it gave me such a boost of excitement, encouragement, and empowerment.
Required reading for all women (and men for that matter) in my opinion. Glennon’s story of breaking away from a life that felt caged, small, and not true to who she was gives us permission to live more freely, more wildly, and more untamed as well. Because when we have permission to step into our wholeness and become the fullest expression of ourselves, everyone wins.
I had a hard time getting into Michael’s much-loved book, The Untethered Soul. And while this book maybe wasn’t my favorite read either, I did love having the real-life example of watching someone live completely in tune with Source / Divine Wisdom / Life / their Inner Voice, or whatever you want to call it, and see the magic that unfolded because of it. Remembering that God’s plan is always wildly more amazing and abundant than anything we could create on our own, and staying open to that direction brings us on an adventure more kismet and beautiful than we could ever imagine.
Another expansive book that helped remind me that living from my Zone of Genius, or the places where I feel the most aligned and excited about my work, is how I’ll create the greatest ease, flow, and abundance for my life. A good motivator for anyone feeling stuck or like you’re ready to shift into the next level of your life and your potential.
One of my very favorite, most life-altering books. I read this years ago and it completely transformed the relationship I have with my stuff and my home, which then leaked into so many other categories of my life too. Marie Kondo’s method of only keeping the things that spark joy for you is a transformative filter with which you can apply to every part of your life. After I read the book I got rid of at least 60% of my possessions (no joke), and developed a completely different way of viewing my room, home, and things. Would very much recommend if you’re looking to clear up space in your life, your mind, and your subconscious in order to make room for the things that are truly aligned for you.
I tried reading “Think and Grow Rich” a few years back and just couldn’t get through it. Then someone recommended this book and I ate it up. Such a happy, energizing, and fun view on money, abundance, and manifesting the life of your dreams. Felt like reading a long version of powerful affirmations over and over in a way that was lovely and supportive.
This book is mind-blowing. If you’re ever doubting your own power, or want to know that it’s possible to create the reality, body, and life of your dreams, then you need to read this book. While the science and details in it can get a bit dense at times, the real-life stories and examples of how we can unlock the highest version of ourselves right now are fascinating and wildly compelling. I also wish this was required reading for everyone for the sole fact of letting people know that they’re more powerful and limitless than they maybe have ever dared to dream before.