A Mantra and Practice For Creating Presence and Joy

A Mantra and Practice For Creating Presence and Joy


By Sara Bacon

As a Manifesting Generator, my not-self of "Frustration" very much resonates and is something I've become extra aware of lately. Especially as it relates to how I am using (or not using) my energy throughout the day.

The goal is to spend our energy in satisfying ways, right? To fall into bed at night pleased with how we used the time given to us. But when we're pulled in a million different directions from our jobs, our relationships, chores, social media, etc., it can feel hard to spend our whole day doing things we *LoOvE*.

That's why this practice and saying this mantra to yourself has the ability to change everything: wherever you are, be fully there. This is such a key component of presence and joy, and it can be used in every situation. Do you want to scroll on Instagram for 15 min to give yourself a break? Great, enjoy every second of that time to yourself. Have to wash the dishes? Use it as a time to practice gratitude for everything you have in your life: food you have to wash off of plates, dishes you can use and re-use, water that flows freely. Is it time to sit down and work on that project you've been so excited about? Give yourself that full one hour time slot and block out all other distractions. Be fully there and present in your work and in your genius.

So often resistance and frustration happens when we're wishing away the current moment. We're mad at ourselves for getting distracted by social media or annoyed we have to do dishes when we have such a busy day, or we feel guilty for giving ourselves undivided time to work on what we love. But when you give yourself permission to be fully there in whatever it is you're doing, you change the game and are suddenly always using your energy in appropriate and satisfying ways.

Try this throughout your day and see how your mood and mindset changes. You are exactly where you need to be in any given moment. Either embrace it or change it if you'd like, but always give yourself permission to enjoy it.

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